As a Tucson native, Bob graduated from Tucson High School where he played football, cross-country and track. He became a State Champion and All-American on the mile relay team (thanks to Fred Nelson’s great anchor leg). Bob attended the University of Arizona where he lettered in Track competing in the long jump, triple jump, intermediate hurdles, and 400 relay. He was elected the President of the athletic fraternity, Sigma Delta Psi. Bob states that “he had the opportunity to be beaten by such great athletes as Bob Beaman, Bob Segran, and OJ Simpson.” At the U of A Bob earned a B.S. in Elementary Education/P.E. Science in 1969 and an M.Ed, in History in 1975 and an administrative certificate in 1985.
While Bob was a lifeguard at the U of A pool, he met “my beautiful” wife of 34 years, Vicki. Bob began his teaching career as a science teacher/coach in Lancaster, California. Bob says, “it was a rewarding time coaching football, basketball, baseball, and track for three years.” A late night call from Ollie Mayfield brought Bob back to Tucson and Sahuaro High School as a teacher and track coach. Bob had a successful program, which at one time had 150 boys out for track. Bob continued, “having taught for 30 years and coached for 16 years, so many wonderful people have been brought into our lives.” The last six years he spent developing the Isolated Classroom Experience (ICE), which was a dropout prevention program that worked.
His track record included 4 undefeated teams, 5 So. Division Relays championships and 6 second place, 2 Division Championships and 5 runner up. Overall Dual Meet record 127-14
Regarding Sahuaro, Bob stated, “We at Sahuaro had great young people to work with over the years. These are the true successes of the school. I am proudest of the character and accomplishments of these young people. I would like to acknowledge those who have influenced me most over the years – my father, my school friend, Fred Nelson; my coaches Ollie Mayfield, and Mac Evans; my wife, Vicki; and the best principal, Hank Egbert.”
He added, “Vicki and I have been very fortunate to have traveled the world and visited the seven continents, but the most rewarding is being the parents of a beautiful 1993 Sahuaro graduate, Robyn. Since retirement, we have gone into the engraving/badge business, Badge Man.” Nominated by David Goldberg, Greg Williams (Hall of Fame 2000), Richard Fleming, Jeff Lockwood (Hall of Fame 1998) with two letters of support.