Don Bacon was born in the small town of Crockett, Texas, to Reverend and Mrs. Joy Bacon. He is from a family of 11 children. His mom and dad received only a second grade education; they worked from sun up to sun down on their small farm to support the family. In November 1951, Don’s dad packed up 11 children into an old ’39 Buick and headed for ”greener pastures” in Tucson, Arizona. Here he continued the ministry and took a Job with Grand Central Aircraft.
Don was the first in his family to attend and graduate from high school. He also attended college. He went to Tucson High School. There he played football, basketball, and baseball. He will always be thankful to Ollie Mayfield, Jim Wing, and the late Ray Adkins for their guidance, dedication, and support during his high school days.
In 1965 he started to work for Sears Roebuck and worked there until retirement in 2001. He married Quills Cannon in October of 1966 and they have three children, Shawn, Barry, and Omar. They all attended Sahuaro High School and all of his kids attended college; Shawn, Alabama State; Barry, Arizona State; and Omar the University of Utah.
Don started hanging around Sahuaro in 1987. He ran into Billy Lopez at freshman football practice and volunteered as one of his coaches, thus starting a long assisting him with girls’ softball.
Don was hired as dropout prevention specialist in January of 2000 and he is still active in that capacity. He is also on the JV Football staff and acting equipment manager. “It’s a great time to be a Cougar!”