Carol Carter graduated from the University of Arizona in 1984. At the age of 26 she was promoted to Director of College Marketing for Prentice Hall, the largest education publisher in the United States. In Carol’s next role, she wore several hats as Vice President, Director of Faculty Development and Publisher for student success and career development at Prentice Hall, a division of Pearson Education. Carol gives workshops around the country to professors and students on critical thinking, collaborative learning, multiple intelligences, career exploration and other issues directly related to helping students succeed in college, career and life. In 1987, Carol published her first book, Majoring in the Rest of Your Life: Career Secrets for College Students, which is now in its third edition, in both text and trade formats. Since that time, she has authored or coauthored: Majoring in High School, Keys to Success: How to Achieve Your Goals, Keys to Effective Leaming, Keys to Studying, Keys to Workplace Success, and The Career Tool Kit. She has also co-authored Keys to Nursing Success, Keys to Science Success, Keys to Business Success, and Keys to Engineering Success.
Carol’s business experience combined with her passion for learning and education, make her a unique advisor to today’s students. She has been a manager and a senior manager, seeing first-hand the qualities, which are important for success in today’s competitive job market. For professors she has a passion for teaching. For students, she is an example of what a good education, hard work, and continuous improvement can yield in the world of work. From the classroom to the boardroom, Carol understands the value of connecting education with success in the real world. She also believes that in the 21th century, the strength of our country will depend on how well we develop the mids and skills of today’s students. In the past five years, Carol has contributed monies in scholarship funds to 50 Tucson Unified School District students to attend the University of Arizona or Pima Community College. In addition, she has help to support career preparation programs in TUSD high schools. Besides these personal contributions, Carol arranged for Prentice Hall Publishing Company to donate monies for new career textbooks for students in TUSD high schools. Adding to Carol, what drove her decisions to provide scholarships, to write career books and to create the two LifeSkills agencies was “to be able to provide to high school students some basic tools tools that would allow them to succeed in their life after high school -as she had been able to succeed because of her family and the teachers she had had as a student.